Can I enjoy the service without membership?

Can I enjoy the service without membership?

1. To provide the best service to our customers, we must obtain the customer information to communicate, so a membership system is adopted. Therefore, we are so sorry that we can not provide analyzing and product-related services until you register as a member.
2. If you have concerns about your privacy, you can refer to our Privacy Policy to learn more about it.
3. However, non-members can still browse our website to estimate prices for analyzing services (excluding membership discounts) or check product prices, allowing you to evaluate whether you want to further your membership.


How to become a member of SGService?

How to become a member of SGService?


1. Please find the "Login | Create Account" at the top right of the homepage and click to start applying for your membership.


How to become a member of SGService?


2. Then, you can follow the prompts on the registration page, fill in the correct information step by step and attach the images (student ID, staff ID, etc.) that may be required to complete the registration process.



What is the difference between the four types of memberships?

What is the difference between the four types of memberships?
  • "Domestic Academic Member": For teachers, researchers, graduate students, or staff members of schools/non-profit research institutions registered in Taiwan. The default price is in Taiwan dollars, and a Taiwan Unified Invoice (GUI) is issued.


  • "International Academic Member": For teachers, researchers, graduate students, or staff members of schools/non-profit research institutions registered outside Taiwan. You can choose which one is the main quotation currency provided in SGService's Invoice.


  • "Domestic Regular Member": For researchers, staff, from the general public of for-profit organizations/companies registered in Taiwan. The default price is in Taiwan dollars, and a Taiwan Unified Invoice (GUI) is issued.


  • "International Regular Member": For researchers, staff, from the general public of for-profit organizations/companies registered outside Taiwan. You can choose which one is the main quotation currency provided in SGService's Invoice.


* For the determination and review of membership status, Science and Technology Services Co., Ltd. reserves the right to interpret and make changes.


Can students, staffs, and research assistants at a university also apply for academic membership?

Can students, staffs, and research assistants at a university also apply for academic membership?


  1. Yes, as long as you are a student (including part-time fellows), staff, or research assistant at a university or non-profit research institution, you can still apply for academic membership.
  2. Please upload your identity document to verify that your identity meets the above conditions.
  3. SGServices reserves the final rights to approve academic members.

Which address should I fill in on the registration page?

Which address should I fill in on the registration page?



  1. If you are a researcher or staff of a university or research institution and applying for membership to conduct a research project grant funded by the government or institution, please fill in the address of the university or institution. Additionally, please select the correct institution location (Institute/Affiliation Location) and institution name (Institution/Affiliation Name).
  2. If you use the service due to work demands and you represent an organization or company that will pay for the service, please fill in the address of your organization. In addition, institution location (Institute/Affiliation Location) and institution name (Institution/Affiliation Name) can be filled with your organization information.
  3. If you are applying for our membership due to your own needs and are responsible for paying the relevant fees, please fill in your home address. Besides, the institution location (Institute/Affiliation Location) can be similar to your nationality (Nationality/Region), and institution name (Institution/Affiliation Name) can be filled in with "None"

*Please note: In the future, if you need to send back your entrusted samples after the testing service ends, we will send your samples back to the registered address.


Which currency should I choose and how to do it?

Which currency should I choose and how to do it?


  1. If your school, research institution, or company address is in Taiwan, the system will automatically select Taiwan Dollars (TWD) to facilitate the issuance of the Taiwan Uniform Invoice (GUI/e-GUI).
  2. If your school, research institution, or company address is outside Taiwan, you can choose your local or preferred payment currency. Then, we will issue an Invoice as proof of your payment.​


Which currency should I choose and how to do it?



On the Register page, you can define your institution location by selecting Institute/Affiliation Location.


What research links should faculties or researchers provide?



  1. If you are a college teacher or institutional researcher with published papers, the link can be the page of a paper list (e.g., Google Scholar) or point to one of your articles in a journal publisher.
  2. If you have not yet published an article, you could also provide the link to your research project page or any instructions that help us identify you as a researcher.


What research links should faculties or researchers provide?

For example, you can attach a link to a published article in the field as shown above (red box) so that we can know more about your related research.


What information can the Member Center provide?

What information can the Member Center provide?

Move the mouse to "Member" on the upper right of the homepage (the red box in the picture above), and the function list of the Member menu will slide down. The functions in blue on the left side of the menu are divided into Member, Service, Product, and Membership.


1. Member

Terms of Service: The general service rules of SGService use to ensure the rights and interests of customers.
Q&A: You can link to frequently asked questions and answers to help you quickly understand the process we operate.
Information: You can find the registration information here and make appropriate modifications.
Password: Can be used to modify the password you used to log in when you registered.

2. Service

Service Inquiry: You can find the quotations resulting from Service Cart here. The blue number in brackets represents the total number of active quotations (one month of validity) which have not yet been gone to the checkout payment process.
Service Order: When you select a quotation in the Service Inquiry and enter the payment process, it will be automatically converted into a formal order and entered into the Service Order. The blue number in brackets represents valid orders that have not yet been Case Closed or Sample Returned.

3. Product

Product Inquiry: You can find the product quotation resulting from the Product Cart here. The blue number in brackets represents the total number of valid quotations (two-week of validity) that have not yet been gone to the checkout payment process.
Product Order: When you select a quotation in the Product Inquiry and enter the payment process, it will be automatically converted into a formal order and entered into the Product Order. The blue number in brackets represents valid orders that have not yet been Case Closed.

4. Membership

Service Plans: We offer different Service Plans to make your research faster and more economical.
Inquiry: You can find the generating quotation of the Service Plans here. The blue number in brackets represents the total number of active (one month of validity) that have not yet been gone to the checkout payment process.
Order: When you select a quotation in Inquiry and enter the payment process, it will be automatically converted into a formal order and entered into Order. The blue number in brackets represents the total number of orders currently Awaiting Payment or Checking Payment.
SG Balance: Click here to check the top-up records of your historical Service Plans and the deduction records of using membership fees to pay for Service. You can also check the status of the stored and deducted value here for the price that changes due to the change in the detection conditions. The red number in brackets represents the current dues balance in New Taiwan Dollars (TWD).
SG Token: Click here to inquire about the SG Tokens generated by purchasing Service Plans. You can use these tokens to pay for analyzing services. Noticeably, the Tokens can be obtainable for free, and you might not cost a cent for your Service Order.


Can I delete a Quotation or Order?


Sorry, you won't be able to delete any Quotation or Order because of the issue with customer inquiries and orders records management.


Quotation or Order statistics (blue brackets) in the Member Center will not count those expired or no longer valid, and the numbers displayed represent service or product orders in progress.


Can I request to cancel an order?


Contact SGService to cancel and change the order status to Transaction Cancellation.


I got a set of SG Token codes, and how do I deposit them into my account?

I got a set of SG Token codes, and how do I deposit them into my account?
  1. First, move the mouse over to the Member (red box 1), then the menu will slide down.
  2. Next, click on the SG Token (red box 2) to enter the code input field (SG Token Code) (red box 3) and input the code you obtained to deposit the corresponding token into your account.​
I got a set of SG Token codes, and how do I deposit them into my account?

*Kindly remind you that the token code is not bound to a specific person. Please do not show the code to anyone who is not close-knit to you, and SGService will not compensate you for the loss of the token.


I'm a new member, and how do I add value?

I'm a new member, and how do I add value?
  1. After logging in as a member, move the mouse to Member (red box 1), and the menu will slide down.
  2. Then click on Service Plans (red box 2) to enter and see different service plans (Case).
  3. Select the stored value plan (Case) that suits you, and click on Top Up to enter the payment proces
I'm a new member, and how do I add value?

How to use SG Token? How to get it?

How to use SG Token? How to get it?

How to use?

  1. SG Token is our internal service token that is not usable outside the SGService website.
  2. It is possible to use SG Token for the Analyzing Service only, and the system will automatically deduct it from the account.
    1 SG Token = 1 TWD)
  3. As long as an SG Balance is sufficient, the system will automatically deduct the SG Token from the SG Balance to complete the transaction.

How to get?

  1. Get extra SG Token as a gift through Service Plans.
  2. From time to time, SGService will run member reward programs, such as sending Token Codes to members who publish papers or accumulate consumption records.
  3. In case of the customer's rights and interests have been damaged by changes in the analyzing service conditions, SG Tokens will be sent as a compensation plan for the customer.

What is the expiration date of my membership fee and token usage? Is it possible to give it to other

  1. There is no fixed usage period for SG Balance or SG Token.
  2. Due to funding sources and invoice issues, neither Service Plan nor Service Token, generated by Service Plan, shall not be given to other parties.
  3. Only SG Token Code sent by SGService does not restrict specific users.

How does the Stored Value benefit me?



  1. Although SGService provides members with various payment methods for testing services, including Credit Card and Remit/Transfer, only the Stored Value can earn an additional SG Token.
  2. SG Token can use the expenditure of Analyzing Service, which can effectively save your research cost and increase output.​

What should I do if my contact information or work unit changes?

What should I do if my contact information or work unit changes?
  1. To begin with, you can find Information (red box 2) in the drop-down window of Member (red box 1) and then update it so that we contact you accurately and open the correct GUI / Invoice.​
  2. However, the Membership status, corresponding to your work status, cannot be changed. A separate account should be created and managed if your membership changes due to a job transition (e.g., academic members become general members) or research funding changes (e.g., funding comes from multiple companies). We have no way of knowing your source of funds, and if you use a non-registered institution to pay your fees, you may have legal issues.

Why generate an estimate first and not complete the transaction directly?

Why generate an estimate first and not complete the transaction directly?
  1. In the case of subsidized research funds, you may need a Quotation and carry out the financial requisition process within the company or institution, so an estimate is generated first in Service Inquiry, Product Inquiry, or Inquiry (represented in red box).
  2. After you complete the financial reporting process and are approved to use the funds, you can return to the Service Inquiry, Product Inquiry, or Inquiry to continue the payment process.
  3. As soon as the payment process is complete, the Quotation will be converted into an Order with an Order Number issued. These orders will go into Service Order, Product Order, or Order (represented in blue boxes), with the prefix SGS for service orders, SGP for product orders, and SG for membership.

Is the price of service or product included duties or VAT?

Is the price of service or product included duties or VAT?

How to know the equivalent currency of purchase items and payment methods?

How to know the equivalent currency of purchase items and payment methods?


  1. You can easily find the Total Price of the selected item on the Service or Product order page (red box 1).
  2. Below is the corresponding Currency Basket (red box 2). Here you can find the value of your main quote currency. 
  3. When paying, if you choose Credit Card payment, the actual Payment Currency is still Taiwan dollars (TWD). Therefore, the credit card company charges the local currency on your card, which may differ slightly from the amount shown on our estimate. 
  4. A similar amount of SG Balance or SG Token will be deducted from your account once you select to pay with SG Balance. Please note that we only accept member deposits for Analyzing Service
  5. If you choose Remit/Transfer, you can make remittance in full accordance with the Currency and the Total Amount on the Quotation.

What kinds of service we provided to customers?

What kinds of service we provided to customers?
  1. You can move the mouse to the Service (red box 1) at the top of the home page to activate the slide-down window.
  2. In the sliding window, there are six categories of inspection items on the left named Synchrotron Analysis, X-ray Inspections, Materials Analysis, Spectroscopy, Preparation, and Exp. Design Service.
  3. For example, you can click Synchrotron Analysis (red box 2) to launch the left menu in the figure below and click on the inspection service items you need layer by layer according to the classification items (such as Diffraction, Imaging, Scattering, and Spectroscopy.
  4. If you already know the category of the inspection items you need, you can also directly click on the subcategory (e.g., Spectroscopy) (red box 3) to quickly access it.
What kinds of service we provided to customers?

How to know the available machine time of service?

How to know the available machine time of service?
  1. Click on Check SG Available Machine Time on the Order page of any analysis service to see the schedule of each instrument.

How long before experiment time must samples be sent?


Regulation for the delivery time of data?

Regulation for the delivery time of data?
  1. Our standard data delivery is 30 working days. Please refer to the Taiwan Government Calendar for the date of this working day.
  2. For an additional fee, Speed or Express can further shorten delivery times to 15 or 7 working days, suitable for customers who need data urgently.
  3. We may introduce ultra-fast delivery (Ultra) within the next year, but only for some specific Services.

How to generate Quotation from Cart?

How to generate Quotation from Cart?


  1. Once you have selected the items for the Service and entered the correct parameters, click Add to Cart (red box 1) to add it to the Shopping Cart.
  2. When you confirm on the system, it will jump back to the original page, and you will see that the shopping cart symbol (red box 2) is increasing, indicating the item has been added correctly. You can continue to purchase additional testing services or click the shopping cart to checkout.
How to generate Quotation from Cart?


  1. After clicking on the Shopping Cart, the page will jump to the Cart List page.
  2. It is important to note that the Service and Product (red box 1) orders must be checked out separately, i.e., you cannot checkout two different categories at once.
  3. After clicking "Generate Quotation" (red box 2) in the Cart List of Service, a quotation and a tracking number will be automatically generated, and you will be able to inquire about it (Service Inquiry).
  4. Remind you again that the Inquiry and Quotation is not a formal order. You still need to go through the payment process to turn it into a formal one. Please refer to our other Q&A instructions for how to do it.

How to place an oder from quotation?

How to place an oder from quotation?

Click to order to generate a quotation

How to place an oder from quotation?

After payment, the order will be confirmed, and you can then wait for the data to be delivered.


How to know the current status of analytical service?

How to know the current status of analytical service?
After logging the member, view the Service Order
How to know the current status of analytical service?

The order details page will display payment, logistics, and experiment status


Can I use SG Balance or SG Token to purchase products?


Sorry, this does not work. You can only use SG Balance and SG Token for analysis services.
In this case, you will need to pay separately for the added products, and we accept both credit card and remittance payments.


How to pay for the order of product?


Please contact us and we will have someone at your service.


How to send the specimen or sample to SGService?

How to send the specimen or sample to SGService?


  • Once you have placed an inquiry for our service and completed the payment, you can start preparing your sample.
  • As soon as you have finished preparing your sample, please seal it correctly and contact your trusted mail Forwarder or Postal Service to complete the shipment.


Here is the physical mailing information of SGService :

Mailing Address:

No. 70-20, Shihshan, Zhunan, Miaoli 350025, Taiwan (R.O.C.)


“Scientific Gear Service Co., Ltd.”

Mr. Ching-Shun Ku


Contact number:



Otherwise, customers can also ship to us via express import companies like FedEx/DHL/UPS simply by filling our account code below (the shipping fee should be prepaid by the customer):

FedEx: 770523311

DHL: 967526074

UPS: 09RY49


  • Obtain the Tracking No. in the package from the mailing service or postal company so that you can enter it into our system later.
  • To view your order history, please select Service Order (red box 2) from the Member drop-down menu (red box 1) after logging in as a member.
  • Find your corresponding "Order No." (red box 3), and click "Logistics Status/Transport" (red box 4) on the right to enter your sample delivery information.
How to send the specimen or sample to SGService?


  • Change the status in (red box 1) to "Yes", then it will automatically jump to the red boxes 2-4.
  • Please fill out the Forwarder field (red box 2) and the Tracking No. field (red box 3), respectively.
  • By pressing "Submit", the information is automatically saved, and staff will get a notification to pay attention to the package.

How can I get my sample back when analysis completed?

How can I get my sample back when analysis completed?


  1. If you need to return the sample, please go to the Order page of the Service Order, find the Return Sample or Not, and select Yes to get the sample return service.
  2. For customers in Taiwan, please select "Yes (Taiwan Post)", we will send the sample back to your registered member address via express post office or home delivery.
  3. If you are a foreign customer, please select "Yes (International Express)", we will send your samples back to the registered address through FedEx/DHL/UPS/EMS and other express service companies.
  4. In each Order No., you will only be asked to choose one of the sample analysis services for sending back, and all of the samples will be automatically packaged and sent back to your registered address.
  5. You will receive an automatic notification letter with the relevant return information and tracking number after we send out the sample, whether you are Taiwanese or international.
How can I get my sample back when analysis completed?


  1. Whenever we return your samples, you can also go to Service Order in the Member, check the status as Sample returned (red box 1), and click on Detail (red box 2) to inquire about the shipment news.

How can I get the product after order firmed?

  1. According to our Term of Sale, we sell all of our products at factory shipping (Hsinchu/Taiwan) without taxes, so all taxes, freight, and insurance costs resulting from shipping must be repaid by the customer separately.
  2. We might arrange for a free delivery service to deliver small items to the member's registered address if you are in Taiwan.

Our policy of data quality

  1. To ensure the Repeatability and Reproducibility of each experimental data, SGService will execute the customer's entrusted analysis case by following our company's Standard Operating Procedures.
  2. Except for the Limit of Instrument Detection (LOD), we can not pursue good data quality unless the customer provides the correct Description or Information about the sample condition or chooses the Proper Parameters for the analysis process.
  3. SGService will, under any possible circumstances, use our technology and capabilities to pursue the best data presentation. However, it does not mean that we guarantee the data Usability, which is affected by sample preparation or other more complicated factors.

Where to found the experiemntal results of service order?

Where to found the experiemntal results of service order?
  1. Move the mouse to Member on the upper right of the homepage (red box 1), and the function menu of the Member Center will slide down.
  2. In the sliding function menu, find Service and Service Order on the right side (red box 2), and click to enter.


Kindly remind you that the download link will only appear after the order status is payment completed. If you have not made the payment yet, please complete the payment process first.

When your order status changes to complete, you can find the original data in the link. As soon as the report is generated, it will be available in the download folder, along with relevant reports or analysis results.

Where to found the experiemntal results of service order?


  1. For the Order No. for which you are looking (red box 1), you can find the download icon in the Result on the right (red box 2). To download your data or report, click on the data server and enter it.
  2. If you do not see the download icon, the analysis case has not been completed, and the system will only provide the download link when the Status is displayed as Case closed (red box 3).
  3. A Service Notification will also be sent to your registered mailbox when the analysis status enters Case closed, and you can download related data or reports through the link provided.

How long of the data can be keep on the SGService server?

  1. In 30 days from the date our company (SGService Co., Ltd.) sends you a notification letter, you can click the download link to verify your acceptance of the data and reports.
  2. We guarantee that your data will remain on the server for 90 days since you click the button. Please make sure you download and save your backup data as soon as possible because we may delete your data after this period depending on the space of the server.

Regarding retesting of data quality and data retention period

If the customer does not provide any written feedback on the data within 30 calendar days after SGService inform customer the data available in the cloud, it will be assumed that the data quality has been acknowledged, and the case will be closed. 
Any retesting or measurement be necessary after closure, a new order must be placed. Furthermore, all the data from closed cases will be retained in the cloud no more than 3 months. After this period, SGService will no longer be accountable for its safekeeping.

Acknowledgements when publish?


In the download folder of each analysis service order, there will be detailed information about the light source mechanism and beamline station implemented in the experiment and the reference sentences of acknowledgment. According to the format of customers' target journal, customers can arrange the content of the appropriate acknowledgment facility.​



How to get the SG-token via acknowledgement of SGService?



Customers should mentioned following sentances in the publication articles;


  1. ... X-ray analysis service via SGService ...
  2. ... SGService (www.sgservice.com.tw) ...
  3. ... paid synchrotron service (SGService) ...


Send an e-mail with link of your publication to service@sgservice.com.tw, the title as "Apply for SG-token (customer memeber no.) - (service order number)".

After evaluation the information, our staff will payback 20% amount of service order by SG-token into customer's account.


* Customer agreed SGService to use related information as advertising materials on website and other promotion activities.
