Investigation of Ceramic Materials using Temperature-dependent XRD

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The study focused on verifying the phase purity and crystal structure of Pb (1-x) LaxTi (1-x) Al x O 3 samples within the range of 0≤x≤0.25, which were synthesized through the sol-gel process. Synchrotron x-ray powder diffraction was employed for confirmation. The investigation included temperature-dependent XRD to explore the structural transition from a tetragonal to cubic phase. The primary aim of this research was to assess the impact of the newly synthesized Pb (1- x) La x Ti (1-x) Al x O 3 compounds (0≤x≤0.25) in terms of their structural, vibrational, dielectric, and ferroelectric properties. Notably, the incorporation of La/Al into PbTiO 3 allowed for easy processing of the samples into ceramic form while retaining their ferroelectric functionalities. This is particularly significant as the pure PbTiO 3 , with its high non-centrosymmetric tetragonal lattice strain (c/a ∼ 1.064), is unsuitable for use in ceramics for ferroelectric and piezoelectric applications.

Figure 1. Synchrotron-based temperature dependent XRD for x =0.09 composition
The successful synthesis of Pb(1-x)LaxTi(1-x)AlxO3 ceramics within the specified composition range (0≤x≤0.25) was achieved through the effective application of the sol-gel process on synthesized powders. To examine the structural transition from a tetragonal to cubic phase, temperature-dependent X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis was conducted. In the XRD study of the composition with x=0.09 [Fig.1a], a notable separation of two peaks (001) and ( 100) at lower temperatures was observed, indicative of a tetragonal phase. As the temperature rose, these peaks gradually fused into a singular peak at 573 K, signifying a transformation to a cubic phase (Fig. 1b). Similar temperature-dependent trends were noted for other peaks associated with the tetragonal to cubic phase transition. Furthermore, a temperature-dependent dielectric study provided confirmation of the phase transition from a tetragonal to a cubic structure.

Yadav AK, Verma A, Kumar S, Srihari V, Sinha AK, Reddy VR, et al. Investigation of la and Al substitution on the spontaneous polarization and lattice dynamics of the Pb(1-x)LaxTi(1-x)AlxO3 ceramics . J Appl Phys 2018;123.