Data Analysis of XAS
Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS) is used as a technique to measure the details of partial pair distribution functions of atoms surrounding the absorber. Including distances, coordination number, mean square deviation in distance and coordinating species.

We use Artemis software to analyze EXAFS data using theoretical standards previously calculated with Feff. Artemis helps in determining the neighboring atom of the absorber and can also identify the structure of your material.

Wavelet transform (WT) of EXAFS spectrum differentiates the contribution of each pathway in R-space and k-space at the same time. With the wavelet transform analysis, it helps us better understand the local structure and improve the fitting model. This analysis produces a 2D correlation plot which make it possible to discern between different scattering pathways at the same distance from the absorbing atom between the contributions of single and multiple scattering events.